Davidson Junior Athletic Association
Constitution and Bylaws
September 18, 2018
Table of Contents
Article 1 Name
Article 2 Purpose
Article 3 Objectives
Bylaw 1 Membership
Bylaw 2 Annual and General Meetings
Bylaw 3 Executive and Officers
Bylaw 4 Duties and Powers of Executive
Bylaw 5 Duties of Coaches, Managers, Officials and Parents
Bylaw 6 Logos and Colours
Bylaw 7 Registration
Bylaw 8 Team Splitting
Bylaw 9 Equipment and Transportation
Bylaw 10 Code of Conduct
Bylaw 11 Conflict Resolution
Bylaw 12 Amendments
Bylaw 13 Winding Up
Davidson Junior Athletic Association
Article 1
This organization shall be called the
Davidson Junior Athletic Association Incorporated
P.O. Box 305
Davidson, Saskatchewan
S0G 1A0
Article 2
This association shall be the governing body of minor sports in the town of Davidson Saskatchewan, governing within the framework of the Saskatchewan Hockey Association, Softball Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Baseball Association and other provincial minor sport authorities.
Article 3
The objectives of this association shall be:
3.1.1 To administer the operation of minor sports in the Town of Davidson, Saskatchewan
3.1.2 To provide an opportunity for the children in the area to be involved in minor sports
3.1.3 To foster and promote respect, sportsmanship, citizenship and leadership within the youth of the town and surrounding area
Davidson Junior Athletic Association
Bylaw 1. Membership
Membership to this association shall be available to any person, 18 years and older, who is involved in minor sports in the Davidson area as a parent or guardian of a player, or as a coach, trainer, manager, committee member or executive member.
Bylaw 2. Annual and General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday of April each year, and the Fall General Meeting shall be held on the 3rd Wednesday of September.
2.1.1 At the Annual and Fall General Meeting, each member in attendance is eligible to vote on any motion proposed. Motions will pass with 2/3 of members in attendance in favour.
Other general meetings may be called at a place and time as designated by the Executive.
2.2.1 In the event that decisions need to be made quickly throughout the year, voting will be limited to two votes for each team registered in that year, one for the coach and one for the manager.
2.3 The President of the Association will chair the general meetings.
Bylaw 3. Executive and Officers
The Executive of the Association shall consist of no fewer than 3 and no greater than 8 officers. They shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors.
The election of the Executive shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.
Executive positions shall be elected on a 2-year term. They will rotate their term as outlined below:
3.2.1 The President and Secretary shall be elected in odd years, and the Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected in even years. This will promote continuity among the executive members of the Association. Directors shall be elected as the need arises.
At all meetings of the Executive, a quorum shall consist of any 2/3rds of the members.
At all meetings of the Executive, each member shall have one vote. The President shall not vote except to cast a deciding vote.
If any member of the Executive is in, or appears to be in, a conflict of interest situation, that member shall abstain from voting.
In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Executive for any cause, the Executive may appoint a person to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
Any member of the executive may spend up to $250 to purchase equipment and supplies as required without prior approval from the remainder of the executive. Any purchases over $250 will require approval prior to the purchase being made, or the expense claim may be denied.
Bylaw 4. Duties and Powers of Executive
4.1 Executive
4.1.1 To administer and conduct the affairs of the Association
4.1.2 To appoint the team coaches, Equipment Manager, Referee-in-Chief, and other coordinators or committee members as necessary
4.1.3 To prepare an annual budget and work plan for the Association and to recommend a player fee structure
4.1.4 To organize clinics for the development of players, coaches, managers, referees and other game officials
4.1.5 To take disciplinary actions with any team, player, coach, manager, referee or individual
4.1.6 To authorize all expenditures within the approved budget limits
4.1.7 To review the constitution of the Association and recommend changes for presentation at the General Meetings
4.2 President
4.2.1 To preside over all meetings of the Association
4.2.2 To be an ex-officio member of all committees
4.2.3 To represent any or all of the Executive on any occasion subject to the proviso that he is responsible to the Executive for any action taken
4.2.4 To be the official representative of the Association on any governing body matter or to appoint a member to do the same
4.2.5 To maintain communication with parents, coaches, and other officials and to aid in the resolution of problems as the arise
4.2.6 To ensure that the interests of the general membership are given due and adequate consideration in all activities carried out by the Executive
4.3 Vice-President
4.3.1 To perform the duties of the President in his/her absence
4.3.2 To work on committees or tasks as assigned by the President
4.3.3 To ensure that tournaments or events sponsored by the Association have been registered and sanctioned as per the provincial governing body’s regulations
4.4 Secretary
4.4.1 To take minutes of all meetings and prepare any written communication and correspondence
4.4.2 To co-ordinate player, team and association registrations according to the Provincial Governing Body’s requirements
4.4.3 To ensure records are maintained of all players, teams and team officials registered with the Provincial Governing Body
4.5 Treasurer
4.5.1 To conduct all of the financial business of the Association
4.5.2 To have signing authority for financial accounts along with one other member of the Executive
4.5.3 To keep records of all financial transactions according to accepted accounting principles and practices
4.5.4 To prepare financial records and statements of the Association reviewed annually for acceptance at the General Meeting
4.6 Directors
4.6.1 Duties to be determined by the Executive, and subject to change from year to year
4.6.2 One Director shall be elected for each sport under the umbrella of the Association, and there may be others elected as the necessity arises
Bylaw 5. Duties of Coaches, Managers, Officials and Parents
5.1 Coaches
5.1.1 To have all required training and certification as per the Governing Body’s requirements
5.1.2 To ensure that players develop skills, sportsmanship and personal growth through sport
5.1.3 To communicate on an on-going basis with parents and players so all are aware of expectations and goals
5.1.4 To work with parents to arrange for team officials including assistant coaches, trainer, manager
5.1.5 To lead the team by example with regard to showing respect for other players, coaches and officials
5.2 Managers
5.2.1 To have all required training and certification as per the Governing Body’s requirements
5.2.2 To communicate on an on-going basis with parents and players so all are aware of expectations and goals
5.2.3 To work with parents to ensure there are Door, 50/50, clock and scoresheet workers for each home game
5.2.4 To manage the team’s finances, and provide mid-season and end-of-season financial reports to the team as well as the Executive
5.3 Officials
5.3.1 To ensure they maintain their good standing in the eyes of the Governing Body
5.3.2 To keep their training and credentials current
5.3.3 To treat players, coaches and spectators with respect
5.3.4 To officiate their assigned games to the best of their ability, and report any issues to the league and the Executive
5.4 Referee-in-Chief
5.4.1 To ensure qualified referees are assigned for all minor sporting events
5.4.2 To handle any disputes arising from a game
5.4.3 To arrange for training and development of referees
5.4.4 To mentor the younger referees as much as possible
5.4.5 To appoint official assignors as required
5.4.6 Where possible, the Referee in Chief should be a registered official
5.5 Parents
5.5.1 To be supportive of the child and have realistic expectations
5.5.2 To be supportive of the coaches and managers
5.5.3 To have players at the rink or field in sufficient time for practices and games
5.5.4 To notify the coach or manager if the player will not be able to attend a game or practice
5.5.5 To attend and participate in team meetings
5.5.6 To help with the transportation of players to out of town games
5.5.7 To aid the Association in fundraising and working in the Arena Canteen/Lounge as required
Bylaw 6. Logos and Colours
6.1 All Davidson Minor Hockey team colours shall be red/black on white or white on red/black
6.1.1 All game jerseys must have an approved Association logo on the front
Bylaw 7. Registration
7.1 All players must be registered in the Davidson Junior Athletic Association in each year they participate. A parent or legal guardian must sign the appropriate registration form and registration fees as set out by the Executive must be paid at the time of registration (no player will be allowed to practice or play until he/she is registered and the fee has been paid).
7.1.1 Any teams wishing to register for play outside of typical league play will be responsible to pay additional fees to cover their own ice rental and game officials.
Bylaw 8. Team Splitting
8.1 In situations where the number of players registered for organized league play exceeds the maximum number allowed per team by the Governing Body, or a number deemed unmanageable by the Association Executive, the group of players shall be split to form two separate teams.
8.1.1 In cases where the split group is to participate in organized league play within the same league, the primary objective of the split will be to ensure that the teams are equally balanced and the skill sets of one team are closely matched to that of the other, this may also include the skill of coaches, assistant coaches and/or team managers. Family arrangements may be given consideration.
8.1.2 The process for splitting shall be overseen by the Executive. The split shall be conducted in a manner where an objective assessment of all players is completed, preferably on-ice or field, if that's not a possibility then based on knowledge of prior years ability through a joint effort of the coaches involved and a neutral third party who has proven knowledge of hockey or ball. The third party shall be appointed by the Executive.
8.1.3 If the team includes a child of an Executive member, that member must abstain from participating in the splitting process unless acting solely in a coach capacity.
8.1.4 Any player may play above their designated division, but must maintain their first responsibility to their junior division.
Bylaw 9. Equipment and Transportation
9.1 Any equipment purchases must be approved by the executive before they are made. Failure to obtain approval may result in the expense claim being denied.
9.2 The Junior Athletic Association, as it is financially able, will provide a bus to use under the following conditions
9.2.1 Bus scheduling will be done through the executive, or their appointed individual(s)
9.2.2 Drivers of the bus must be legally able to do so, and have their names listed on the insurance
9.2.3 Teams will be responsible for paying the fees designated by the executive for the use of the bus
9.2.4 All laws shall be followed at all times while using the bus
9.2.5 It is the responsibility of the bus driver, coaches and managers to ensure that road conditions are safe for the use of the bus
Bylaw 10. Code of Conduct
10.1 All members of the Association, including players, are to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the spirit of the game, including good sportsmanship, respect of officials and respect of opponents.
10.2 Davidson Junior Athletic Association will follow and enforce the Provincial Governing Body’s Social Media and Networking Policy.
Bylaw 11. Conflict Resolution
11.1 Problems arising within teams should first be dealt with within the team. A 24-hour cool-off period after games is recommended before discussing problems with the coach. If no resolution is possible, then a member of the Executive should be contacted.
11.2 The Executive shall have the authority to take disciplinary actions with any team, player, coach, manager, referee or individual.
Bylaw 12. Amendments
12.1 Motions to amend or alter the Constitution must be submitted, in writing, to the President 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Any motions shall be advertised for 14 days prior to the Meeting. Amendments to the Constitution require a simple majority of eligible voting members present.
Bylaw 13. Winding Up
13.1 In the event of the dissolution of the Association, its priority and assets shall, after payment of all liabilities, be donated to one or more recognized charitable organizations in Davidson as may be decided by the Association in a General Meeting.